Cor-Ray Painting
Years of Experience
25 Years
If you are looking for a great career opportunity, look into construction and get to know all the aspects of it because there are so many areas in this industry.
How did you get into the construction industry?
She started out working in specialty manufacturing, then moved over to coatings.
Thing that surprised her the most about construction?
When she first started out there were very few women in the industry but that in the last 10 years the numbers have grown significantly, and she is so proud to see all the women making a difference.
Favorite WiOPS event
Maddie finds it hard to pick out a favorite WiOPS event, she thinks they are all unique and have something to offer. She looks forward to attending more events in the future and getting to know more and more women.
What she values most about WiOPS
Her favorite thing about the organization is getting to meet other like-minded women in construction and connecting with them both personally and professionally.
Current focus
This year, she is focusing on connecting with her customers and is learning about the industry’s newest trends and the future of painting and coating.