Rider Levett Bucknall
San Jose, CA
Years of Experience
Less Bitter, More Glitter
Why did you join WiOPS? I wanted to connect with more Construction minded people in the Bay Area and many of the events were close to my targeted area, San Jose.
What do you see as the biggest value in being a member of WiOPS? The events have been good, so far, but the biggest draw is the ability to network with varied skill levels, ages, companies, etc.
Do you have a personal or professional guiding principle that guides you? or a quote you live by? Less Bitter, More Glitter!
How did you get involved/started in construction/your role? My dad is a Civil & Structural Engineer who built Custom Homes, I went into Architecture for a decade, switched gears to get my Masters in Construction Management and landed my first job with a Quantity Surveying Firm…I’ve since jumped to many competitors, built my network, worked at world leading companies and here we are.
What is your favorite thing about construction? Don’t quote me on this but I’ve heard in Construction that Women earn as much as Men…and any time the wage gap is closed, I’m on board.
How do you feel about being a woman in the industry? I’ve grown to own it.
What is the best part of your job? The autonomy, flexibility, and ability to excel.
What do you think are the advantages of being a woman in the industry? We have trailblazers who came before us that have battled for their space. I appreciate them for sharing, watching out, and being a huge resource to rely on. Women helping women.
What advice would you give a young woman entering the industry? Make mistakes, try to fail, and never stop asking questions. This is where you’ll see the most growth, learning and expanding your horizons.
What makes you proud of working in the construction industry? How many brilliant people I am surrounded by daily. I am drawn to the diversity in the teams. I’m here for it.