Frequently Asked Questions
WiOPS stands for Women in Construction Operations. The organization is focused on providing Education, Mentorship and Networking opportunities for women in leadership roles in the construction industry, specifically operations. Members need only support the cause of WiOPS to attend events. Learn more here.
Through the hard work and dedication of our early board members, WiOPS was granted status as a 501c3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible. This also means that we follow special guidance when it come to financially supporting other organization and causes with shared motivations.
WiOPS membership is always free. One of our primary tenets is providing open access to Education, Mentorship and Networking opportunities. This way our members don’t have to worry about asking permission of a supervisor to cover the cost of joining a professional organization.
Visit our Membership page to learn more about the benefits of joining WiOPS. You can sign up to receive information on upcoming events so you’ll never miss an update!
WiOPS is a 100% volunteer-run organization which means we are always looking for new committee members. If you’re interested, you can visit the “Become a Member” page and select the option to be contacted in regards to committee opportunities. You can also reach out directly to our chapter boards:
WiOPS is supported through both annual and event sponsors; as such, nearly all the WiOPS events are free to our members. In alignment with WiOPS’ vision for open access to professional events and environments, we are always looking for opportunities to sponsor educational events and trainings for our members.
We welcome new chapter suggestions here. WiOPS board members are always looking for opportunities to open new chapters in new regions. We first ensure there is a geographic need for the group, as well as sufficient volunteer support and backing from the local construction community.
WiOPS was founded in Southern California in 2013, and grew organically to Northern California five years later. We are currently looking to branch off to New York City and Baltimore in 2023.
WiOPS hosts events every month. For the sake of consistency in a fast-paced industry, WiOPS strives to keep our events the last Wednesday of the month so our members can plan ahead. Of course, there can sometimes be changes to this schedule, so please reference the events page for the most up-to-date information regarding monthly events.
See our sponsor page for opportunities to donate or host an event. You can also contact your local board here:
WiOPS is powered by our monthly event sponsors. Hosting the monthly events is a highly sought-after honorable opportunity for our sponsor companies and we often fill all monthly events in the first quarter of the year.
Currently, WiOPS is 100% volunteer-based. As such there are no job opportunities outside of volunteering either on a committee or to support an event. See our Get Involved page for more information.
Many of our members have invited their managers and company leadership to join them at WiOPS events. This is a great way to open the door for future conversations regarding starting an employee resource group within your organization.
WiOPS is intended to create environments and opportunities for organic mentoring to take place. Our members are encouraged to contact one another during and between events to catch up on life and career achievements. WiOPS has a handbook for members to reference during mentoring meet-ups.