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Event Recaps

Shawmut Design & Construction: Field Day

All News
November 29, 2023

Join WiOPS Southern California in thanking Shawmut Design & Construction for hosting our November “Field Day” event! WiOPS members met at Shawmut’s office in Los Angeles for an interactive night filled with activities, intentional networking, and team-building.

Upon arrival we got to hear from Project Executive Kirstin Harper-Smith, a longtime supporter of WiOPS and champion of women in the construction industry. Members got to learn a little bit more about Shawmut, inclusivity within their company, and the importance of community. We then separated into designated break-out groups, where members went from station to station for a variety of construction-related activities, including building bridges out of toothpicks, erecting scaffolding, putting, and more! We loved getting to bond with other WiOPS members over such engaging activities.

We cannot thank Shawmut Design & Construction enough for generously hosting such an engaging and impactful event for WiOPS Southern California. We are grateful for both your support of WiOPS and for your support of women in the construction industry!

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